
Seventh graders gather around Caldwell County 4-H Livestock Club Member, Shleby Ford’s show cow to learn about beef cattle.

Caldwell County 4-H was a proud participant in this year’s Agriculture Expo held at the Caldwell Couty Fairgrounds on April 19th and 20th. This awesome event is put on in partnership with Caldwell County Schools and many different ag-related partners. Caldwell County Schools explains the event as “a unique opportunity for Caldwell County students and members of our community to explore the agriculture industry. Through this event, we hope to cultivate student interest, harvest opportunities for career exploration, and enable our students to envision themselves prospering in future agriculture careers.”

Youth were able to come through and learn about different careers and opportunities related to agriculture in their local community. We had a wonderful time explaining what 4-H is and how they can get involved. Some other booths that they had the opportunity to visit where are local Soil and Water Conservation District, Western Piedmont Community College’s Horticulture Program, and many many others.


Caldwell County 4-H Livestock Club Leader Crystal Taylor and club member Payton Taylor teach local 7th Graders about their show goats.