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DALLAS (KDAF) — What decade did America peak?

Each decade has its good and bad, triumphs and tragedies — and according to Ranker, the 1950s topped the list of America’s greatest decades. See the top five decades below, and view the full report here.

The 1950s

Peak Achievements: The “Golden Age of Television,” Brown v. Board of Education integrates schools, Jonas Salk creates polio vaccine, Disneyland opens, the rise of Rock n’ Roll and Elvis Presley, formation of NASA

Major Moments: Rise of McCarthyism, Korean War, execution of the Rosenbergs, Rosa Parks sparks Montgomery bus boycott, National Guard enforces desegregation in Little Rock, AR

The 1960s

Peak Achievements: Moon landing, Martin Luther King gives “I Have a Dream” speech during March on Washington, Civil Rights Acts of 1960 and 1964, Woodstock music festival, Harper Lee publishes To Kill A Mockingbird

Major Moments: Bay of Pigs Invasion; Vietnam War begins; Cuban Missile Crisis; death of Marilyn Monroe; The Feminine Mystique sparks women’s liberation movement; assassinations of JFK, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr.; Beatlemania; counterculture movement; the Manson murders

The 1770s

Peak Achievements: The signing of the Declaration of Independence, America founded

Major Moments: The Revolutionary War, Articles of Confederation

The 1980s

Peak Achievements: Sandra Day O’Connor becomes the first woman on the Supreme Court, “We Are The World” and Live Aid fundraise against famine, The Simpsons debuts

Major Moments: “Reaganomics,” rise of AIDS crisis and awareness, Iran-Contra affair, The Challenger space shuttle explosion, Black Monday stock market crash, War on Drugs begins

The 1990s

Peak Achievements: Cold War ends, debut of the World Wide Web

Major Moments: The Gulf War, Los Angeles Riots, the “Storm of the Century,” Oklahoma City bombing, OJ Simpson murder trial, Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, President Clinton’s impeachment, Columbine shootings, Y2K panic